Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Getting started

I have been inspired! My daughter in law Megan has been blogging for about a year, and I have so enjoyed being able to see frequent photos and keep up with what is going on in her life and our son's life that I have decided it is time. I am going to start as well! I think the very best way to start is just with a huge "thank you!" you the Lord! He has been so good to us, and no time are we more aware of that than Christmas when we celebrate the gift of His son. I am so grateful that He has chosen me to be a part of His family and know Him.

I am so grateful for my family! My husband is a Navy chaplain currently stationed at Dam Neck in the Virginia Beach area, and my wonderful daughter Sarah is a freshman at Liberty University. My oldest son Phillip and his wife Megan met at The Master's College as students and have now been married almost two years. Our younger son Timothy is 19 and was born with Down Syndrome and is autistic as well. He is a challenge and a joy, and as stubborn as they come!

I also want to thank the troops and their families who are sacrificing by separation from those they love this holiday season. My husband has been in Afghanistan and Iraq, so I know how difficult the separation is. We pray for your safety and effectivenes in completing your missions, and our thoughts are with you.

Merry Christmas! Terry


Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Yeah! I can finally leave a comment. I was forced, by blogger, to get a Google username/password. I'm so glad you've joined the blogging world. (Now you just have to actually blog!) I can't wait to read your upcoming posts and see pictures of your house etc. Love you guys!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I'm still waiting for you to get MORE inspired! :) I keep checking.

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Christmas was a Loooooong time ago. I would love to hear about your Florida trip and see pictures. hint hint. :)